Janice Alexander VIC

Paula and Warwick Armstrong QLD
Warwick has been teaching Rounds since he was 17 and Paula began after meeting Warwick in 1984. Together they have been teaching and cueing Round Dancing at their Brisbane Club, Allemander Dance Club, since 1988. They teach all Round Dance levels from Beginners to Phase VI. Together they have cued and taught regularly at Australian Square Dance Nationals and Qld, Vic and SA State Round Dance Festivals.
Since 2013, they have taught and cued at International events including Roundalab Conventions, ICBDA (International Choreographed Ballroom Dance Association) Conventions and the NSDC USA ,National Square Dance Conventions. Currently, Paula and Warwick are ARDA Education officers. They enjoy creating their own choreography and are passionate about making their teaching fun for all.
Di Ashton TAS
Shirley Bates SA
Andrea Braun SA

Joanna Buswell WA
In August 1985 at the National Square Dance Convention Clogging was demonstrated in Perth WA. Lynda (Joanna's sister) saw it and thought she would give it a go. Joanna only came to annoy her sister but soon loved the pastime which would span over 30 years.
Joanna started Gidgi Bush Cloggers in 1988, Hillbilly Boppers in 1989, Footloose Cloggers in 1991 which was eventually combined with Kingsley Dawes club North City Shufflers to become Jo-King Cloggers in 2001.
Joanna has been a member of the Callers Association of WA since 1988 and Australian Clogging Association since 1993 and was inducted into the Australian Clogging Association Hall of Fame with Life Membership in 2018.
Joanna has been on the committee for every National Clogging Convention in WA (Convenor for 3) and National Square Dance Convention in WA bar one since 1991. Joanna also was on the International Festival committee on 2000 (7months pregnant) and been on a few State Convention committees.
Along with Kingsley Dawes, Joanna now runs the only clogging club in WA.
Remember Happy Feet are Clogging feet!!
Gary Carpenter NSW

Howard Cockburn VIC
Howard began square dancing at Westgate Square Dance club in October 1979 at the insistence of his wife Brenda. By April 1981 he had become a trainee caller with Frank Kennedy and in July 1982 Howard, along with Brenda, began Crossroad Squares in Werribee, which recently celebrated 40 years. In 1990 they opened Southern Cross Plus and in 1998 they opened Southern Cross A, all three clubs are still running.
Howard has attended 39 National Conventions, called at 38 and has served on 8 National Convention Committees. He is currently the Chairman of the ACF and has held the positions of President of the Victorian Callers Association (VCA), Treasurer of VCA & ACF, ACF Callerlink Editor and ACF State Coordinator.
Laurina Collyer VIC
Colin Dandridge VIC

Mike Davey VIC
I started calling when 1 was 18. My first call was to an empty supper room because I was so nervous that I was too scared to look at the dancers! It got easier after that, and I found that I really enjoyed calling. I am co-caller for Jaybee Square Wheelers with Laurina Collyer and I also run Mike's Plus on a weekly basis.
I have called in all the Australian states and territories, as well as New Zealand, England and Japan. I was Convenor of the Australian National Square Dance Convention, held in Bendigo in Easter 2017 and I am now a program manager for the 64th National which will be held in Darwin in 2024.
In my spare time, I have volunteered as a puppy-raiser for Guide Dogs Victoria. Lorraine and I are currently looking after Crystal who decided that she didn't want to train to be a Guide Dog. She is an affectionate two year old pure white Labrador and now she's permanently ours.
I am an avid fan of Star Trek, Doctor Who and Star Wars. Music is also on my enjoyment list from Classical through Country to Rock 'n' Roll.
Robert Dew WA

Graham Elliott SA
Graham started dancing in the early 1970's. He met Dawn through square dancing and started calling in the early 80s.
They established the Adelaide Outlaws Mainstream club in 1985 and this is still operating Monday evenings now at West Croydon in SA. They opened a Plus club in Kilburn in 1987 which is currently dancing Wed evenings.
Graham is active in our National caller association, Callerlab committees and has held positions in the State caller body. Both he and Dawn are life members of the SA State Square Dance Society.
He has had the pleasure of being feature caller interstate and overseas and, with Dawn, convened the 2015 National Convention and is convenor for the 2023 National.

Greg Fawell WA
I started square dancing in a little Methodist Church Hall in Carlisle at a club called Thursday Nighters in 1969 to a little known new English migrant Steve Turner. I enjoyed the dancing and fun to be had but then studies, marriage and a move to the country slowed things down a little. While in the country we danced at a club in Manjimup called Karri On Dancers to caller Bob Gray.
My first foray into calling was at a youth camp in Bunbury in 1970 when I ran a dance and called Red River Valley to a rave review!!! That was my first and last for quite some time. I was later encouraged to take part in the WA Amateur Callers Event and to my surprise won!! There started my training and extension of fun with this activity began. I have since qualified as a mainstream and plus caller with the Callers Association of WA.
I have held the position of Treasurer with CAWA, President of CAWA and am now back to Treasurer of CAWA after a 6 year stint in the presidents chair. I was a member of the 2018 WA National Convention committee as Promotions Officer. I have also been on several organising committees of State Conventions and Festivals. I am also Secretary of the Australian Callers Federation and a member of the ACF Board.
In 2012 I commenced my own club Swan Valley Squares and we will be celebrating our 10th birthday in March of this year. I also call on a monthly basis as one of three callers at Greenfinches Square Dance club as well as guest call on other occasions.
Looking forward to coming to Adelaide in 2023 to Rock with all of Australia.

Jaden Frigo VIC
I first started dancing in 2004 and took up calling a year later. After several years as a trainee I started Australiana Dancers in 2012 and later that year took over the calling at the Early Birds Square Dance Club. Both these clubs are going successfully to this day. I have been a full time caller since finishing high school in 2015. Over the years we've organized many weekend events hosting some of the finest callers from both Australia & overseas.
I've had the great pleasure of being invited to call in every state of Australia along with the USA, England, New Zealand & 6 European countries. I've attended & called at every Australian National Convention since 2013 and I also attended & called at the US National in 2019. I've attended many caller seminars & schools both in Australia & internationally (many as a student - and some as a presenter.)
I call all levels from Basic/Mainstream to C2 and also cue Rounds up to Phase IV. In the past I have served on the VCA executive committee (including 2 years as Skills & Development Session Coordinator) and on the ACF Board (including 1 year as Registrar and 2 years as Assistant Caller Education Coordinator.)
When not calling I greatly enjoy watching sport (mainly Aussie Rules Football, cricket, rugby & cycling), travel (both in Australia & overseas), board games, a good movie or TV series and catching up with friends. I'm looking forward to a great National Convention in Adelaide!

Chris Froggatt NSW
Chris started square dancing in 1970 at Corrimal and had his first call in 1972. For around six months Chris called for the south Coast Country Music Association, before starting his own club "Ghost Riders" in 1974. This dance ran in the Wollongong area for nearly five years.
In early 1978 Chris was approached by the Rockdale Airforce Memorial Bowling Club to call for their first Saturday of the month dance, which had previously had Tom McGrath as the caller. This was the first square dance Chris and Linda ran together. In late 1978, they opened their first weekly club "Knee-Deep Squares" on Wednesday nights, teaching beginners and dancing Mainstream. Several years later they also opened a fortnightly Plus dance at Jannali Community Hall. Over the years they have introduced hundreds of people to square dancing, many of whom dance today in other parts of Australia. Chris not only taught many people how to square dance, but more importantly, he strove to include fun and fellowship.Chris and Linda also ran the Southside Cabaret for many years, which became known as the premier event on Sydney's square dance calendar.
Joining CALLERLAB in 1983, Chris served on the Mainstream and Plus Committees for several years. He served as President of the NSW Callers Association and was awarded Life Membership for services to Caller Education. He was also an NSW Board Member of the Australian Callers Federation and in 2000 served as Vice President.
Chris has called at many Australian National and State Conventions and has featured at festivals in every state of Australia. He has also been invited to call in New Zealand and the USA. In 1988 Chris Co-Convened Australia's largest National Square Dance Convention, heading up the Programming, Sound, and Decoration Committees. In 1995 Chris called and choreographed the Opening Ceremony of the Sydney National.
For five years Chris contributed a monthly article in the South Pacific Square Dance Review called "This Square Dance World", striving to share opinions and to stimulate thoughts of the readers. He has also run many Callers Schools and has written four books on calling to help new callers with their choreography and enhance their calling skills.
Chris and Linda took a break from full-time square dancing in 2001 after running Knee-Deep Squares for 23 years. In 2012 they returned and are now back at Jannali Community Hall, running Knee-Deep Squares on Friday nights, and enjoying it as much as ever. In 2017 Chris & Linda also opened Knee Deep Plus at Miranda, dancing Monday nights.
In 1994 Chris began recording for the Silver sounds label, releasing several top selling singles. In 2017, Chris started his own record label "Knee Deep Melodies" and produces a wide spectrum of Square Dance Music for callers.

Anne Glazier NSW
I started Square Dancing at Casula with Tony Allessi in about 2001. Once I saw Round Dancing, I knew that was my preferred dance style, so I started Round Dancing at Renniks Rounds at Greystanes in 2002.
In about 2005, I thought I would take up the challenge of Cueing Rounds at the club. When Ray Skinner (the person running the club) passed away, I took over the running of the Club under the banner of Greystanes Rounds. I continued to run this club even after we moved to the Central Coast for 2 nights a week. Monday night was Phase 2, 3 & 4 Rounds and Tuesday nights were for beginners and a 50/50 we held once a month.
We joined Pelican Promenaders Square Dance on the Central Coast. When Lorraine Long (the caller) retired from Square Dance Calling at this club at Woy Woy, I changed it to a Round Dance Club but still kept the name "Pelican Promenaders". We would also have a 50/50 dance once a month as well as we did at Greystanes.
I am at present still running the Pelican Promenaders Club at Tuggerah on a Wednesday afternoon and we have a 50/50 dance on the 4th Sunday in the month as we all enjoy both dance styles. Ashley Shore has been the Square Dance Caller for most of this time.

Ross Henley WA
HENLEY ROSS LEARNED TO DANCE AT Shenandoah’s when only 16 He was asked to join Steve’s demonstration set and agreed only because his 2 sisters were in it. When practicing at his parents’ home he asked Steve if he could call a record, so a new career was started in 1970
In 1972 Ross was one of the original callers that the first CAWA meeting held in 1972. Until he went to work in Kalgoorlie (1973) he had only had Guest Calls and a lot of help from Steve. In Kalgoorlie he started Moving Stars Square Dance Club where he called for 2 years, until he returned to Perth 1977.
Work commitments prevented him from calling again until 1982 when he accepted an offer put forward by Riverside’s, where he stayed for 18 months. At the same time he was a regular Caller for Rocky Top Square Dance Club for 2 years. In 1984 Ross also agreed to call for White Gum Valley where he remained until 1997. Ross had to give up White Gum Valley as he moved to Bunbury as it was too far to travel each week.
In 1995 Ross was asked to call for Bunbury Squares which he did as he was moving to Bunbury.
Ross called for Bunbury Squares for two years until a falling out with the club, which then encouraged him to start his own club called Ross’s Sou Westers. Ross called and ran his club from 1998 to 2003. He then moved to Mandurah. In 2006 Paul Long asked Ross to call for Dolphins on a fortnightly basis from 2006 to 2009.
In 2009 Ross took a break from Square Dancing for 6 years.
In 2013 Ross and Dianna started dancing at WGV for two years when he was asked by the WGV committee to call for then along with Don & Trish whom he agreed to and is still there to this day and is enjoying his calling and dancing very much to this day. Ross has been calling for a total of 39 years.
In 1991 he was elected to Vice President of the Callers Association and then in 1993 was elected as President for two years. Ross is also a member of the ACF.
Frances Hickson NSW
Anna-Lee Hodalj NSW
Helen Hodalj NSW
Charmaine Jameson VIC
Graham Jameson VIC
Kevin Kelly WA
It has been well recorded that I actually Lost a footy Bet and as payment agreed to attend my first Square Dance in 1967 at the ripe old age of 15.
My Square Dance journey has been a fairly long one and although from time to time it may have been a little difficult to continue to commit to the weekly rigours of Club Calling I wouldn't change much of it and would happily go down the same path again.
In my professional life I have been fortunate enough to have completed an apprenticeship as a Fitter Machinist (Dad said complete an apprenticeship and you'll always have something to fall back on) never worked in the trade since the day I graduated (Thank Dad) Studied Marine Engineering and received my Part A marine engineering degree (Never Went to Sea)(Thank Dad) started and ran my own food industry supply company (Still Eating) (Thanks Dad) He he and eventually settled into a career in Chiropractic. Even later in my career, studying for and receiving a Post Graduates degree in Equine Chiropractic.
Now onto my Calling commitment. Not too long after attending that first dance more as a dare than anything else I picked up the microphone for the first time. I was hooked pretty much from then on, I was then and still now am fascinated by the ever changing kaleidoscope of movements and patterns created by dancers and the thought that I might have something to do with that absolute miracle of colour and movement I still feel is an absolute blessing. Besides where else would I be able to hold everyone's attention for a minute or three while I tell one of my Hammy jokes and get away with it. He he.
I've been lucky enough over the years to have met some of the nicest people in the world and consider myself extremely fortunate that while staying friends with pretty much all of these people my very best friends have all come from Square Dancing.
I'm super proud of the fact that I have had the opportunity to be invited to Call all over Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia and even in Mauritius.
Career Highlights include being a part of the East West Four recording for Aussie Tempos and KDP. Receiving Life Membership and a Golden Microphone award from the ACF, Life Membership and 50 years of Calling recognition from the CAWA along with accreditation for graduating all 5 stages of the CAWA Accred Program, Life Membership from the Square Dance Society of WA, Life Membership and a Golden Microphone award from my home club Happy Wanderers, receiving a Life Patrons award from the National Society and also receiving a Roll of Honour accreditation.
I'm still actively involved in Calling for my Friday night club Happy Wanderers and most of all have Square Dancing to thank for introducing me to my most special gift, my wife Deb.
As I said at the start of this Bio, I attended my first dance as a result of losing a bet. (Losing I Don't Think So)
Allen Kerr ACT
Terry Lee SA
Glenn MacLaren TAS
Julie MacLean VIC

Bev McLachlan QLD
Started square dancing in 1973 after being convinced by parents this was an excellent activity to be involved in. They were right and I have not looked back.
Married my wonderful husband December 1977. Started teaching Round Dancing in February 1978 cueing in 1982 and expanded our family in 1983 and 1989.
Attended over 40 Australian National Square Dance Conventions, others in New Zealand and U.S.A., Special Round Dance Week-ends and Minilab Conventions for Callers and Cuers and clogging Cuers. A resident dancers from 1977 - 1982 for Reg Lindsay’s Country Homestead live TV show and was the resident Clogging Cuer on "Cruisin' Country" for 9 years.
I am a member of the Queensland Round Dance Association, Square Dancing Society of Queensland Inc (Life Members and recipient of the Silver Spur Award) Australian Round Dance Association (Life Member), Roundalab, The Australian National Square Dance Conventions Board Inc, (Life Patron) and the Australian Clogging Association.
In June 2008 Nev and I were awarded the EPA Excellence Award in recognition of our valuable contribution to the Environmental Protection Agency in the "Volunteering" category. For over 40 years we have spent out Christmas vacation at an area called Wreck Rock (north of Bundaberg) monitoring Marine Turtles.
I currently hold the position of Treasurer of the ANSDC Board and am on the Committee for the 64th and 65th Australian National Square Dance Conventions.
I feel very privileged to assist and support my husband Nev with his square dance commitments and also the running of the Sunshine Coast Square Dance Centre.

Nev McLachlan QLD
I first experienced square dancing in the early 60's, tagging along with older brothers and parents to local square dances. In 1967 I won an amateur callers contest the prize was a calling spot at the 8th National Convention in Brisbane that year at Cloudland Ballroom. My first club evolved from teaching kids for demonstrations at school fetes. Circle W began in Wynnum in 1969 and soon many of those kids’ parents were also dancing. One of those kids still dances with us. Suncoasters was formed in 1970 and we went on to build The Sunshine Coast Square Dance Centre and moved to Buderim in 1985.
Some memorable highlights:
• Calling on top of Ayers Rock in 1970
• Resident caller for "Reg Lindsay's Country Homestead" from 1977 until 1982
• Attending Callerlab and the US National Convention in 1982
• Calling for several festivals in NZ
• Co-Convening with my wife Bev, National Conventions in 1990, 1999 and 2016
• Resident caller for "Cruisin' Country"
• Calling at all Australian National Conventions since 1979
Positions previously held:
• Secretary, Square Dancing Society of Queensland
• Secretary, Australian Callers Federation
Currently serving as Chairman, Australian National Convention Board
State and National Honours:
• Queensland Silver Spur
• Life Member, Square Dancing Society of Queensland
• Life Member, Australian Callers Federation
• Life Patron, Australian National Square Dance Convention
• Sharing my life with my fabulous, supportive wife Bev
When not square dancing or managing the Square Dance Centre, Bev and I coordinate a marine turtle conservation project for the Queensland Government, achieving the EPA Excellence Award recognizing volunteering, dedication and commitment for the environment and people of Queensland.

Matthew Mills QLD

Richard Muir WA
Started dancing in 1984 ( Invercargill NZ )
Started Calling in 1985 ( Invercargill NZ )
Formed Star Squares in 1990 and along with Heather ran this club for 10 years until moving to Perth
At the request of Steve Turner we moved to Perth in January 2000 and ran Turner Tempo's for two years before reforming into KIWILERS in 2002
The story of the HAT is too long to tell here but if you have a spare couple of days I will be happy to share.

Jason Nicholson NSW
Jason started clogging at the age of 17 after seeing it at a National Square Dance Convention in 1988. Not long after starting clogging with Vickie Dean, Jason was hit by a car and broke both legs and an arm which put a hold on clogging for a little while. After recovering, Jason was back to clogging and has danced ever since.
In 1995, Jason started running his own club - named Strictly Cloggers. He still runs this club weekly and drives 1.5 hours each way to do so. Jason also shares a club with Leanne which they run together each week.
Jason has been on the committee of every National Clogging Convention held in NSW and co-convenor for 2 of them. Jason has taught clogging across Australia, in NZ and in 2019 was invited to teach and run sessions at the 1st Canadian Clogging Convention.
Jason is recognised as a Gold level instructor by the Australian Clogging Association and has been inducted into the ACA Hall of Fame. He is the current President of the ACA - for his 3rd term. Jason, along with Leanne, has run most of the clogging sessions at National Square Dance Conventions over the past 10 years and has been involved in many clogging demonstrations at Square Dance conventions and functions over the years.

Leanne Nicholson NSW
Leanne started clogging at the age of 12 after seeing it at a NSW State Square Dance Convention in 1989.
In 1991, at the age of 14, Leanne started cueing and running her own club - named Coastal Cowboy Cloggers. She has run 2 clubs a week since 1993.
Leanne has been on the committee of every National Clogging Convention held in NSW and co-convenor for 1 of them. Leanne has taught clogging across Australia, in NZ and in 2019 was invited to teach and run sessions at the 1st Canadian Clogging Convention.
Leanne is recognised as a Gold level instructor by the Australian Clogging Association and has been inducted into the ACA Hall of Fame. She is the current 'mentor' officer for the ACA. Leanne, along with Jason, has run most of the clogging sessions at National Square Dance Conventions over the past 10 years and has been involved in many clogging demonstrations at Square Dance conventions and functions over the years.
Gary Petersen TAS

Ken Pike WA
I started square dancing in June 1968 with the Swan Swingers Square Dance Club in the Swan Valley.
Over the next 10 years I danced with several clubs, until I joined the Callers Association of WA in late 1978.
In June 1981 I started the Drifters Square Dance Club, which ran for 28 years.
In 1982, I sat and passed my callers test to qualify as club caller
1985, I reopened Gidgegannup Square Dance Club that was in recess, the club is still active today.
Teaching new dancers has been the most enjoyable part of my role of calling, I have run numerous classes, including classes for our Square dance Society.
One highlight of my career was visiting the Calgary Stampede and calling during their celebrations.
Positions held within the CAWA; President, vice President and served my third term as Treasurer. Currently President

Kurt Rosenkranz Germany
During my time studying in Edinburgh, Scotland, I got involved with Scottish Country Dance. After being back in Germany again I missed this dancing activity and it was not offered in the area in and around Braunschweig, in Lower Saxony, where I continued my studies at Technical University "Carolo Wilhelmina". But incidentally I visited a demonstration dance of modern American square dance and I became a student in the next square dance class of "Lion Town Squares", Braunschweig in 1986.
In 1993 I visited a Callerlab Caller School and passed the final exams for teaching at the Industrial and Trading Chamber in Braunschweig to become a caller in Lower Saxony. First I called and taught square dancing for the "Saltscatter Square Dance Club" in Salzgitter and in 1998 I started with my own club in Wolfsburg. We changed the club name several times, but since 2003 we are established as "Dancing Dragonflies, Wolfsburg". The dance program I offer is extended Mainstream and we dance every Monday night.
The first convention I visited was in Perth 1993 - just as a dancer. I enjoyed it very much. At the next ones I am proud to have participated as caller: 2001 Tamworth, 2003 Caloundra, 2005 Warrnambool, 2007 Findon, 2009 Perth, 2010 Wodonga, 2011 Darwin, 2013 Gosford, 2015 Adelaide, 2017 Bendigo, 2019 Deloraine.

Ian Rutter SA
Ian Rutter commenced Square Dancing in 2000 when he attended a Community Dance Program (CDP) on Friday nights. After a year, once the program finished, he took a break from square dancing and returned in 2004 when he learned a lot more. After he graduated, he started visiting other clubs around Adelaide.
In 2005, he tried his hand on calling when Noes Noesbar, who was a caller that time, asked if he was interested in giving calling a go after he learned about Ian's ability to sing from the talent shows organised by the club Leisurely Squares. After Ian called a couple of singing calls, he thoroughly enjoyed it and has continued to call for Songs and Hoedowns today.
During his time as a caller, Ian attended a few sessions on calling such as 'Behind the Microphone' and some callers had given him advice on what to do when calling. He also attended some sessions on 'Zoom' to learn a lot more.
In 2011, he commenced calling for a club in his own right called 'Scoot Back Squares' and has helped learners to teach square dancing. In 2019, he commenced teaching learners at a club called 'Diggers Too' a sister club for 'Diggers Delights'
Ian became a member of SACA and ACF when he started calling for 'Scoot Back Squares'. He also called at the National Convention for the first time in Canberra in 2014.
Ian's professional job is a Public Servant working for Centrelink. He has worked for the Commonwealth Department for 30 years.
Scotty Scott SA
Trent Short TAS

Carol Simondson VIC
I started my square dancing career back in 2000 after seeing an advertisement in a shop window. I continued my learning with Plus in 2004, followed by A1 and A2 in 2018. I dance two to three times weekly.
In 2003 I commenced round dance tuition and in 2006/2007 I undertook training to become a Cuer and made my cueing debut at the 2009 ANSDC in Perth. I have attended every ANSDC since 2004 and cued at every ANSDC since 2009. I am proud to have been the ARDA nominee to program the round dance program for the 59th, 60th and 62nd ANSDCs.
In 2008 I started the first of my two round dance clubs, KINTYRE Round Dance club and later Spinning Wheel Rounds. KINTYRE started as a weekly club but now dances fortnightly and celebrated its 13th anniversary in 2021. My club, Spinning Wheel Rounds started in 2016 and ran for 3 years.
I have travelled to the USA to attend the 2015, 2018 and 2019 NSDC, RAL and ICBDA Conventions and felt privileged to have cued and taught round dances in the US.
As a member of the Australian Round Dance Association I have held committee positions for 14 years and continue to enjoy these roles. Giving my time is a way of showing gratitude for the enjoyment dancing has given me.
I love and promote both disciplines of dancing; square dancing and round dancing and enjoy my regular club nights as well as the travel to interstate and international events.
Leader & Cuer: KINTYRE Round Dance Club
Crossroads Square Dance Club, Southern Cross Plus and Southern Cross A.

Darren Taylor VIC
Darren started Dancing and Calling in Geelong. Darren's travels have taken him to all states in Australia as well as Canada, New Zealand and United States of America.
Square Dancing has provided so much to Darren's life, however, he is proud of the friends and associates he's made through the years. His hope is the ability to give back to this wonderful activity a small portion of the happiness it has provided him.
David Todd NSW

Anne Tulloch SA
Anne began cueing at the 1999 SA State Convention and has been cueing regularly since.
Together with her husband Les started the Sunset Twirlers Club who are currently in their 28th year, dancing mainstream, plus and rounds.
Anne holds several positions on state & National bodies and has received numerous awards including:
• Secretary & Life Member SA Square Dance Society• Vice President & Life Member SA Round Dance Association
• Has convened 1 SA State Square Dance Convention, 2 SA State Round Dance Festivals
• Has cued and presented at dances many National Conventions and State Round Dance Festivals
• Along with Les has presented sessions at many ARDA Seminars

Les Tulloch SA
Les began calling at an amateur callers night in 1986 and has been calling regularly since.
Called for several years in Victoria before moving to Adelaide in 1986. Together with his wife Anne started the Sunset Twirlers Club who are currently in their 28th year, dancing mainstream, plus and rounds.
Les holds several positions on state and national bodies and received numerous awards including:
• Secretary/Treasurer SA Callers Association• Public Officer, Committee & Life Member SA Square Dance Society
• Publicity Officer and Life Member SA Round Dance Association
• Board Member Australian Callers Federation
• Quarter Century Award Callerlab
• Silver Microphone Award Australian Callers Federation
Mal Turnbull NSW

Steve Turner WA
Started calling in 1969
Basic to Advanced & Rounds.
Owner Producer of Aussie Tempos/ Down Under Records
Lucky to have travelled the world calling.

Marilyn van Sambeeck
I want to keep Round Dancing alive in Western Australia, hence the reason I have taken up Round Dance Cueing. This will be my first National Convention on the stage and look forward to the experience.
I have been a Square Dancer for 25 years and Round Dancer for 23 years.
I am the Convenor for the 64th ANSDC to be held in Darwin 2024.

Ralph Weise VIC
I commenced square dancing in 1978, I met my wife Lyn at that time and we got married in 1979 and danced for many years at Lakesider's Square Dance Club in Reservoir. During this time our two children Rosanne and Adrian were born.
I became interested in calling during the eighties and attended the Double M caller's school organised by Ron Mennie and Lee McFadyean, then later on Bill Pendlebury.
I opened Chemistry Sets in September 1997 in Deer Park and we are still dancing to this day, I enjoy calling and dancing.
For a short time I was teaching wheel chair square dancing with the assistance of John Van Delft and was named Silver Spinners.
I am a member of various callers' associations, programmed various functions at a state level and have had the privilege to call to the dressed sets at state and national level conventions.
I am also one of the organisers of the Dusk 'til Dawn Fundraiser Group which raises funds for the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. This fundraiser started in 2001.
I am at present teaching square dancing to a group of U3A seniors with Lyn's assistance at the Sunbury Football Club on Monday afternoons.
When not calling I enjoy travelling and spending time with my family especially my three grandchildren.
Rew Whittington WA